Monday, May 14, 2012

Brokenness, Surrender, Holiness

I recently read a book entitled Brokenness, Surrender, Holiness.  It is actually three shorter books compiled into one.  All three were written by Nancy Leigh DeMoss and challenges the reader to take a look at his heart to see if it is focused on the right things.

Brokenness deals with the tragedy of sin and how we as Christians are no longer truly broken and grieved by sin.  So many sins have become "acceptable" and almost commonplace in our churches.  Nancy challenges us to have a heart that is broken before God. When we see sin in our lives it should grieve us and send us to our knees in true repentance.

Surrender focuses on having a heart that is completely surrendered to the will of God.  This book encourages us to be willing to do whatever God calls us to do, be whoever He wants us to be, and go wherever He may ask us to go.  Our lives do not belong to us.  We belong to God and we should not get in the way of His will for our lives.

Holiness challenges us to live holy lives.  The author takes a look at the holiness of God and reminds us that we are to measure our lives according to His holiness and not compare ourselves to others.  The Bible tells us that we are made in the image of God and that we are to reflect that image in all that we do.  This is why we should strive for holiness.

Reading this book made we take a good look at my life and see where I was falling short in my own walk with Christ.  It has helped me to change my perspective and focus more on pleasing Christ and reflecting His image.  I hope it will challenge you as well. 

Nancy Leigh DeMoss also hosts a daily radio program called Revive Our Hearts.  You can find a series of radio programs based on these books here.