I asked a few Christ's Church folks to blog about why they love our church. Here's what Ashley Bigley had to say. Thanks for contributing, Ashley!
Why I Love Christ's Church
1. It is in Arizona
When Drew and I first visited Arizona to decide if we felt this was where God wanted us, we absolutely fell in love with it! There was no doubt in our minds that this is where we were supposed to be.
2. The Pastor and his family
Howard and Patsy were so gracious to us during our visit, and by the time we left, we already felt that we had known them for years. We knew it would be a privilege to serve God working with them. We knew we could learn a great deal from them and grow in our walk with God because of their example.
3. The friends we have made
As the church began to form and we began to develop relationships with the people of Christ's Church, we knew that we were once again being blessed by God. The people we were meeting were wonderful and great fun to be around. Having moved 2,000 miles away from all of our family and friends, this was a great comfort to know that we would have a family at Christ's Church that would help ease the pain of being separated from our own families.
4. The music and sermon are uplifting and God-honoring
The music at our church is always uplifting and God-honoring. I always look forward to the music we will be singing each Sunday, because I know that I will be blessed by it. I can also count on God's Word being preached each week. Pastor Howard is committed to preaching the truth, no matter what.
5. The Children's Program
I have the wonderful opportunity to teach in our children's classes a couple of times a month. I love watching them learn about God's love and completely enjoying the fun stories from the Bible. I am blessed each time I am able to be a part of those classes.
6. The atmosphere
Every time I am out of town and not able to attend Christ's Church, I miss it! Our church meets my spiritual needs to help me to continue to grow in Christ and gives me an opportunity to serve God by being a part of the various ministries we have. None of the churches that we visited before our first service came even close to feeling as much like home and family as Christ's Church does.
So why do I love Christ's Church? Because it is an uplifting, God-honoring, friendly church where my spiritual needs are met and where I can serve God beside some of the best Christian people I know.