Recently, 4 young people were baptized at Christ's Church! We praise God that they accepted Christ as their Savior and chose to follow Him in this act of obedience. Here are their photos.
Christ's Church is an exciting new Free Will Baptist church in San Tan Valley, Arizona. Presently, we have a Sunday morning service at 10:00 AM and a Wednesday Evening service at 7:00 PM.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Monday, July 18, 2011
Senior Saints, Let’s Stay Busy For God!
by Mrs. Pat Thomas
When my husband passed away with pancreatic cancer a few years ago, I wondered what I was going to do with the rest of my life. After almost 49 years of marriage to a minister, I had led a busy, delightful, exciting life. We had moved back and forth across the country several times starting new churches, holding evangelism conferences, attending church conventions, visiting missionaries, and serving God in many capacities. Church planting was always my favorite of all the ministries in which we had been involved.
After my husband’s death, I found myself grieving deeply as I kept a lonely vigil, walking around our beautiful retirement home and visiting his grave at the cemetery. I believe the grieving process is natural and necessary, and is part of God’s plan when we lose those we love. Grieving causes believers to cling to the Lord and trust Him completely to carry us through this trying time. And God certainly proved Himself faithful to strengthen me as I made funeral arrangements, selected a grave marker, cancelled my husband’s cell phone and credit cards, filed federal and state taxes, and completed a mountain of legal matters.
However, I also did some practical things that greatly helped me through this very difficult grieving process. I continued to teach the women’s Bible class and also played the organ at my local church. I had more time to spend in prayer and Bible study now that I had fewer housekeeping duties. But when the opportunity came for me to make a major move to the San Tan Valley, Arizona area to help in the establishing of Christ’s Church Free Will Baptist, I jumped at the chance! Now I am actively involved in the church music program and doing volunteer church clerical work.
It would be easy as senior saints for us to use our increasing age and declining health to “rest on our accomplishments” and become inactive in the work of God. However, I believe these years can be some of our most productive for Christ. Here are some things I want to suggest to all senior saints, no matter the age, health, or circumstances, to keep us involved in ministry in the “golden years” of our lives:
1. Take care of your health; eat right, exercise regularly, and control body weight. Certainly we experience declining health and become less active as we age. Many times debilitating diseases strike us, but as good stewards of our “temples”, we need to do our part to stay healthy.
2. Work on your personal appearance. We don’t need to look dowdy, drab, dated, dull or dreary just because we are older. We can be modest and conservative, yet still be up to date in our dress styles. As senior saints we need to do our best to set an example to younger people who are “dressing down” in today’s society. Let’s set an example to them by dressing our very best for church services and always look nice when we go out in public.
3. Down size and simplify your life. Many senior saints have too much “stuff”! Our houses and garages can become very cluttered. We need to have pity on our children and grandchildren and get rid of our “trash and treasures” while we are alive so they won’t have to do it when we die. Besides, the less “stuff” we have to worry about, the less housekeeping we will have. This will free up more time to serve the Lord.
4. Stay active mentally by constantly learning new software on the computer. Make your life easier by learning to pay bills and taxes online. Communicate with your family, friends and missionaries by email. Use Bible software to prepare Sunday School and Bible lessons. Read good books and study God’s word as long as eyesight permits. When and if eyesight fails, listen to God’s word and good Christian music on CD or use an .mp3 player.
5. Listen to the news and stay knowledgeable about current affairs. Vote and stay politically and socially involved. Don’t become a “couch potato” or a hermit who never leaves the house.
6. Stay busy for God and active in your local church. Talk to your pastor about starting a senior prayer breakfast or potluck luncheon. Continue to be a witness for Christ. If you can’t see to drive a car, use the telephone to contact prospects and absentees. Since you have more leisure time, write or send emails to missionaries on the field and assure them of your prayers.
7. Get involved in ministries that are new to you. Go on mission trips with your church youth group. Be willing to sell out, move to a new area, take a new position and enter a new ministry.
8. Be a good steward of your life’s savings. Be generous with your giving. Pay your tithes and give to missions and benevolent causes. Remember God’s work in your will. Set your house in order legally. It is important to have a current will and living will, giving power of attorney and medical instructions if or when you become incapable of making decisions.
There is never a time for a child of God to sit down and quit working for the Lord. I believe the senior years offer many wonderful opportunities for ministry. Most senior saints are retired and no longer work at secular jobs. We can vegetate, become TV addicts, and sleep our lives away - or we can use the “golden years” to accomplish much for the Lord. So, let’s get busy and stay busy for God!
After my husband’s death, I found myself grieving deeply as I kept a lonely vigil, walking around our beautiful retirement home and visiting his grave at the cemetery. I believe the grieving process is natural and necessary, and is part of God’s plan when we lose those we love. Grieving causes believers to cling to the Lord and trust Him completely to carry us through this trying time. And God certainly proved Himself faithful to strengthen me as I made funeral arrangements, selected a grave marker, cancelled my husband’s cell phone and credit cards, filed federal and state taxes, and completed a mountain of legal matters.
However, I also did some practical things that greatly helped me through this very difficult grieving process. I continued to teach the women’s Bible class and also played the organ at my local church. I had more time to spend in prayer and Bible study now that I had fewer housekeeping duties. But when the opportunity came for me to make a major move to the San Tan Valley, Arizona area to help in the establishing of Christ’s Church Free Will Baptist, I jumped at the chance! Now I am actively involved in the church music program and doing volunteer church clerical work.
It would be easy as senior saints for us to use our increasing age and declining health to “rest on our accomplishments” and become inactive in the work of God. However, I believe these years can be some of our most productive for Christ. Here are some things I want to suggest to all senior saints, no matter the age, health, or circumstances, to keep us involved in ministry in the “golden years” of our lives:
1. Take care of your health; eat right, exercise regularly, and control body weight. Certainly we experience declining health and become less active as we age. Many times debilitating diseases strike us, but as good stewards of our “temples”, we need to do our part to stay healthy.
2. Work on your personal appearance. We don’t need to look dowdy, drab, dated, dull or dreary just because we are older. We can be modest and conservative, yet still be up to date in our dress styles. As senior saints we need to do our best to set an example to younger people who are “dressing down” in today’s society. Let’s set an example to them by dressing our very best for church services and always look nice when we go out in public.
3. Down size and simplify your life. Many senior saints have too much “stuff”! Our houses and garages can become very cluttered. We need to have pity on our children and grandchildren and get rid of our “trash and treasures” while we are alive so they won’t have to do it when we die. Besides, the less “stuff” we have to worry about, the less housekeeping we will have. This will free up more time to serve the Lord.
4. Stay active mentally by constantly learning new software on the computer. Make your life easier by learning to pay bills and taxes online. Communicate with your family, friends and missionaries by email. Use Bible software to prepare Sunday School and Bible lessons. Read good books and study God’s word as long as eyesight permits. When and if eyesight fails, listen to God’s word and good Christian music on CD or use an .mp3 player.
5. Listen to the news and stay knowledgeable about current affairs. Vote and stay politically and socially involved. Don’t become a “couch potato” or a hermit who never leaves the house.
6. Stay busy for God and active in your local church. Talk to your pastor about starting a senior prayer breakfast or potluck luncheon. Continue to be a witness for Christ. If you can’t see to drive a car, use the telephone to contact prospects and absentees. Since you have more leisure time, write or send emails to missionaries on the field and assure them of your prayers.
7. Get involved in ministries that are new to you. Go on mission trips with your church youth group. Be willing to sell out, move to a new area, take a new position and enter a new ministry.
8. Be a good steward of your life’s savings. Be generous with your giving. Pay your tithes and give to missions and benevolent causes. Remember God’s work in your will. Set your house in order legally. It is important to have a current will and living will, giving power of attorney and medical instructions if or when you become incapable of making decisions.
There is never a time for a child of God to sit down and quit working for the Lord. I believe the senior years offer many wonderful opportunities for ministry. Most senior saints are retired and no longer work at secular jobs. We can vegetate, become TV addicts, and sleep our lives away - or we can use the “golden years” to accomplish much for the Lord. So, let’s get busy and stay busy for God!
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Let Love, In All Relationships, Abound
The following was written by a guest blogger who is a dear friend of mine. I think what she has to say will be a blessing to you. ~ Brooke
Like many teenage girls, I babysat to earn a few extra bucks. I bonded with my little charges as I changed their dirty diapers, hunted for them in a game of hide-and-seek, and soothed them to sleep with a bed-time story. However, a special relationship developed with just one little guy over the years, so much so that one day as I left him with his mother, I heard him whisper to her, “Mommy, I love her.”
A relationship between a babysitter and her charge is just one of many relationships that exist. There are those between spouses, siblings, friends, and coworkers, just to name a few. Not only are there many, but they vary in depth – some are deep, but others casual. Despite the depth, we should display love in each one – whether they are casual and fleeting, deep and ongoing, or troubled and broken.
The grocery store clerk or the stranger we bump into are those with whom we have casual or fleeting associations. Small acts of love can go a long way in these relationships. Kind words may encourage the down-hearted grocery clerk, and returning the lost wallet to the stranger who’s unaware that it’s missing may cause him to consider if he’d do the same. Acts of loving-kindness, even in brief and informal relationships, glorify God.
“…let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”
Matthew 5:16
The best friend or beloved family member are those with whom we’ve developed deep and ongoing bonds. In these relationships, love should have no boundaries. We may bake a cake to congratulate the friend’s success or fly across the country to comfort the grandparent in sorrow. Love should always be at the ready in deep and ongoing relationships to celebrate blessings and provide comfort in sorrow.
Like many teenage girls, I babysat to earn a few extra bucks. I bonded with my little charges as I changed their dirty diapers, hunted for them in a game of hide-and-seek, and soothed them to sleep with a bed-time story. However, a special relationship developed with just one little guy over the years, so much so that one day as I left him with his mother, I heard him whisper to her, “Mommy, I love her.”
A relationship between a babysitter and her charge is just one of many relationships that exist. There are those between spouses, siblings, friends, and coworkers, just to name a few. Not only are there many, but they vary in depth – some are deep, but others casual. Despite the depth, we should display love in each one – whether they are casual and fleeting, deep and ongoing, or troubled and broken.
The grocery store clerk or the stranger we bump into are those with whom we have casual or fleeting associations. Small acts of love can go a long way in these relationships. Kind words may encourage the down-hearted grocery clerk, and returning the lost wallet to the stranger who’s unaware that it’s missing may cause him to consider if he’d do the same. Acts of loving-kindness, even in brief and informal relationships, glorify God.
“…let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”
Matthew 5:16
The best friend or beloved family member are those with whom we’ve developed deep and ongoing bonds. In these relationships, love should have no boundaries. We may bake a cake to congratulate the friend’s success or fly across the country to comfort the grandparent in sorrow. Love should always be at the ready in deep and ongoing relationships to celebrate blessings and provide comfort in sorrow.
“A friend loves at all times…”
Proverbs 17:17a
The frustrated coworker or the friend who caused hurt are those with whom we have troubled or broken connections. Exhibiting love in these relationships is essential for peace and restoration. Offering to help the aggravated coworker with his tasks can soothe troubled waters, and praying for the friend who caused hurt can build a bridge towards restoration. In troubled and broken relationships, love’s power to soothe and heal reaches beyond what we can see.
“But I say to you who hear, love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, and bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you.”
Luke 6:27
While it’s true that we live in a sinful world and no relationship will ever be perfect, as Christians, we can model Godly relationships – ones in which love abounds and God’s glory is revealed. And sometimes we are blessed to have special relationships, where love reigns supreme, as I had with my young charge of nearly 15 years ago.
“Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.”
I Corinthians 13:4 – 7
As Christians, we know to look to the bond between God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit as our relationship model. Because mankind is created in God’s image, and because God is relational, we are relational too.
So after building good relationships, how do we sustain them? There are many different ways to cultivate good relationships and one short article couldn’t possibly list them all. But, keeping God at the center, and displaying love, humility, and selflessness are no doubt essential to sustaining healthy relationships. The moment we focus on self we risk halting the growth of a new relationship, disrupting the balance of a harmonious relationship, and ruining the chance of restoring a broken relationship. ~ TW
Proverbs 17:17a
The frustrated coworker or the friend who caused hurt are those with whom we have troubled or broken connections. Exhibiting love in these relationships is essential for peace and restoration. Offering to help the aggravated coworker with his tasks can soothe troubled waters, and praying for the friend who caused hurt can build a bridge towards restoration. In troubled and broken relationships, love’s power to soothe and heal reaches beyond what we can see.
“But I say to you who hear, love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, and bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you.”
Luke 6:27
While it’s true that we live in a sinful world and no relationship will ever be perfect, as Christians, we can model Godly relationships – ones in which love abounds and God’s glory is revealed. And sometimes we are blessed to have special relationships, where love reigns supreme, as I had with my young charge of nearly 15 years ago.
“Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.”
I Corinthians 13:4 – 7
As Christians, we know to look to the bond between God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit as our relationship model. Because mankind is created in God’s image, and because God is relational, we are relational too.
So after building good relationships, how do we sustain them? There are many different ways to cultivate good relationships and one short article couldn’t possibly list them all. But, keeping God at the center, and displaying love, humility, and selflessness are no doubt essential to sustaining healthy relationships. The moment we focus on self we risk halting the growth of a new relationship, disrupting the balance of a harmonious relationship, and ruining the chance of restoring a broken relationship. ~ TW
Thursday, May 19, 2011
I Love My Church

I asked a few Christ's Church folks to blog about why they love our church. Here's what Ashley Bigley had to say. Thanks for contributing, Ashley!
Why I Love Christ's Church
1. It is in Arizona
When Drew and I first visited Arizona to decide if we felt this was where God wanted us, we absolutely fell in love with it! There was no doubt in our minds that this is where we were supposed to be.
2. The Pastor and his family
Howard and Patsy were so gracious to us during our visit, and by the time we left, we already felt that we had known them for years. We knew it would be a privilege to serve God working with them. We knew we could learn a great deal from them and grow in our walk with God because of their example.
3. The friends we have made
As the church began to form and we began to develop relationships with the people of Christ's Church, we knew that we were once again being blessed by God. The people we were meeting were wonderful and great fun to be around. Having moved 2,000 miles away from all of our family and friends, this was a great comfort to know that we would have a family at Christ's Church that would help ease the pain of being separated from our own families.
4. The music and sermon are uplifting and God-honoring
The music at our church is always uplifting and God-honoring. I always look forward to the music we will be singing each Sunday, because I know that I will be blessed by it. I can also count on God's Word being preached each week. Pastor Howard is committed to preaching the truth, no matter what.
5. The Children's Program
I have the wonderful opportunity to teach in our children's classes a couple of times a month. I love watching them learn about God's love and completely enjoying the fun stories from the Bible. I am blessed each time I am able to be a part of those classes.
6. The atmosphere
Every time I am out of town and not able to attend Christ's Church, I miss it! Our church meets my spiritual needs to help me to continue to grow in Christ and gives me an opportunity to serve God by being a part of the various ministries we have. None of the churches that we visited before our first service came even close to feeling as much like home and family as Christ's Church does.
So why do I love Christ's Church? Because it is an uplifting, God-honoring, friendly church where my spiritual needs are met and where I can serve God beside some of the best Christian people I know.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Serving Christ in your workplace

A friend recently introduced me to this website:
The Resources and Blog sections feature some books and articles on the topic of serving Christ in the workplace. I encourage you to check it out!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Calling all weak, fearful and imperfect people!!!

I was reading Hebrews 11 this week, a passage of Scripture known as the Hall of Faith. Several Old Testament men and women of God are listed, saints whose faith was noteworthy.
As I was reading, I was struck by verses 32 through 34. These verses say that these people “subdued kingdoms, worked righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword and out of weakness were made strong...” Wow! That’s the kind of believer I want to be!
What does it take to be that kind of Christian? Is it exceptional skill or talent? A good upbringing or education? A dynamic personality? Here are some observations I’ve made about some of the Hall of Faithers.
- Many had questionable pasts.
David was an adulterer and a murderer (2 Samuel 11). Rahab was a prostitute (Joshua 6:17).
- They were often afraid.
Gideon was hiding when God called on him (Judges 6:11). Barak wouldn’t go to battle unless Deborah accompanied him (Judges 4:8).
- They were weak and flawed.
Moses had a speech impediment (Exodus 4:10). Samson had a problem with lust (Judges 14, 16). Jacob was dishonest (Genesis 27).
These people were far from perfect! So what enabled them to do all of the things Hebrews 11:32-34 says they did? One thing. Their faith in a perfect, mighty God!
Knowing this brings me such hope! I, too, have things in my past that brought shame. I’m often fearful and overwhelmed with worry. I’m weak and terribly flawed, just ask my husband! I have to remember what 2 Corinthians 12:9 says, His strength is made perfect in weakness.
Do you have some weak places that God can use to show Himself strong? When we surrender ourselves to Him, there’s no limit to what He can do through us!
As I was reading, I was struck by verses 32 through 34. These verses say that these people “subdued kingdoms, worked righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword and out of weakness were made strong...” Wow! That’s the kind of believer I want to be!
What does it take to be that kind of Christian? Is it exceptional skill or talent? A good upbringing or education? A dynamic personality? Here are some observations I’ve made about some of the Hall of Faithers.
- Many had questionable pasts.
David was an adulterer and a murderer (2 Samuel 11). Rahab was a prostitute (Joshua 6:17).
- They were often afraid.
Gideon was hiding when God called on him (Judges 6:11). Barak wouldn’t go to battle unless Deborah accompanied him (Judges 4:8).
- They were weak and flawed.
Moses had a speech impediment (Exodus 4:10). Samson had a problem with lust (Judges 14, 16). Jacob was dishonest (Genesis 27).
These people were far from perfect! So what enabled them to do all of the things Hebrews 11:32-34 says they did? One thing. Their faith in a perfect, mighty God!
Knowing this brings me such hope! I, too, have things in my past that brought shame. I’m often fearful and overwhelmed with worry. I’m weak and terribly flawed, just ask my husband! I have to remember what 2 Corinthians 12:9 says, His strength is made perfect in weakness.
Do you have some weak places that God can use to show Himself strong? When we surrender ourselves to Him, there’s no limit to what He can do through us!
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