What My Father Taught Me
By Pastor Howard Gwartney
To obey my parents
To be friendly and warm to strangers
To honor and respect law enforcement
To do my best in everything I do
To shake hands
To drive a nail and change a tire
To work hard for my employer
To pay my bills on time
Not to say "I can't", say "I'll try"!
Not to be a whiner
To allow ladies to go first
To love my wife
To remember that I am not infallible
To apologize when I am wrong
To be on time for appointments
To always be early for church
To remember that God deserves my best!
To have a sense of humor
To carry a little money
To keep my word
To stand up for my convictions but also be a peacemaker
To sing and love worship music
To do what is right even when others do me wrong
To love the unlovable
To be generous with others
To pay my tithes
To read God's word
How to become a Christian
To stop preaching when my sermon is over.